
The room reservation will be done through our web site or via a bank transfer for the amount of the deposit, either specifying in the form available on the web for that purpose the code of the room, check-in and check-out dates, or sending an e-mail containing this information and enclosing a written proof of the bank transfer.

After 7 days of payment receipt, and always in a period exceeding fifteen days of check-in date, the amount paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances since once the booking is confirmed ROOM2RENT will no longer advertise the room as available.

The only way for the student to recover that amount after the mentioned period would be to find and offer another person who was willing to replace him on the same terms and time period as he had committed earlier.
In the event that the reservation is made through bank transfer, ROOM2RENT refrains from paying any kind of applicable commission which will be the student’s responsibility. If by mistake any commissions or part of them are charged to ROOM2RENT, the student will have to pay that expense before the keys hand over.


The amount of the deposit is the equivalent of one month's room rent, but with a minimum of 300 Euros. For instance, if the room costs 280 Euros per month, the deposit will be 300 Euros. And if the room costs 375 Euros, the deposit will be 375 Euros. This amount will be returned to the bank account specified by the student, once his stay has finalized and provided he met all the requirements for that purpose, and always in a maximum period of one month and a half, time enough for the corresponding suppliers’ bills to arrive  (electricity, gas, water and internet) and for ROOM2RENT to regularize the applicable charges.

The conditions to be fulfilled by every student to recover the deposit are:

  • Be up to date with payments of rental fees and house supplies expenses.
  • Leave the room clean and tidy, cupboards, drawers, shelves/racks, empty paper bins and deposit bed linen and towels on the mattress.
  • Successfully pass the revision carried out by of ROOM2RENT in the room to confirm that it has  not suffered any damage or loss of items and is returned in the same condition as it was delivered.
  • Return the set of keys (room, flat and building entrance keys) given at the time of check-in.

The purpose of the deposit is twofold. Before rental period the deposit allows the student to book the room, while during and after this period, this amount will ensure that the property is returned in good condition. That is why it is not possible to replace the last month´s rent payment by the deposit.

If by any reason the student wished to leave the room before the end of the contract ROOM2RENT will keep the deposit unless the student finds a person to replace him in the same terms as of duration and amount.

If the student wished to extend his stay beyond the contract period he must notify it two months before its completion so that ROOM2RENT informs the student whether the contractual conditions will vary. If they will not suffer variation the deposit is considered as already paid  and no further action will need to be taken. Otherwise, the student will have to pay or receive the difference between the new amount of the reservation/deposit and the old one.


This contract is a seasonal contract, therefore the student recognizes that this is not his normal place of residence, but only his temporary home for studying and/or working purposes.

At the moment the student manifests via internet his will to reserve a room and payment is made, the contract takes effect. The signature of it is just another formalism which confirms compliance. So we advise that the student reads the web site contents carefully and contacts ROOM2RENT to ask for a copy of the contract for review and clarification in advance of any doubts or questions that he may have.

ROOM2RENT does not charge for the preparation of contracts. They end up tacitly at the end of the contract period. If the tenant fails to comply with the obligations set forth in it or intends to terminate it before the end of the term, he will leave the house without getting the deposit back.


The student must notify ROOM2RENT by email the time and day of arrival in order for us to organize your check-in, checkin-in times are  schedule is set weekdays from 8:00 h to 20:00 h.
After hours, ROOM2RENT reserves the right to accept or not the arrival, as well as an addition charge or 25 € depending on the case, amount to be entered along with prior booking. In the event that the arrival is not admitted, the student must stay on their own until the start time to "check in". If this were the case, it is recommended to consult ROOM2RENT student hostels, hotels or hostels near their rented accommodation or for its value / price more remarkable.

In turn, ROOM2RENT can offer pick up service at the airport or train station and further transport to accommodation and vice versa, for a minimum value of € 30 each way to study in each particular case. If interested in this service, the student must notify via email to proceed with their study and evaluation.

Once installed, the student has to learn how to operate the various appliances, electronics or other systems that could have the house which belongs to his rented room. ROOM2RENT shall submit to the other housemates if any and finally will present set of keys (room, floor and site) prior review of the optimal state of housing.

After 7 days of arrival at the flat, if no damage or deficiency is reported to ROOM2RENT within this period, the student will be responsible for any of these damages or deficiencies that might be brought to our attention afterwards.

Monthly room rent and house supplies expenses

Both the monthly rent and house supplies expenses (electricity, water, gas and internet) are to be paid in advance the last week of each month via a bank transfer to the bank account specified in your contract as ROOM2RENT has to pay the owners the first week of each month.

In case of an unjustified delay in payment, the student will have to pay 5 € per day of delay as a  compensation.
The monthly rent is payable as a whole month. This means that if a student books a room in May to check-in on Septembr 15th, he will pay the month of September from day 1.

This is because we stop advertising the room as available at the time the reservation is made and if we don’t charge the student this way another student could be interested in renting the room as of the 1st of  September and he would not be able to make the reservation as the room would not be available on our web, with the consequent loss of money for the owner.

If, however, the same student reserves the room on the 2nd of September to enter on the 15th, he will only pay the two last weeks of the month counting the actual days he has been living in the flat.

The supplies expenses such as electricity, water, gas and internet are not included in the monthly rent and must be paid separately. ROOM2RENT will charge these expenses as a weighted average among tenants according to occupancy periods, so that the expenses are distributed in the most equitable among all tenants.

As an expenses advance, ROOM2RENT will charge 40 € per tenant each month and regularize it every two months based on actual bills, charging or returning the applicable differences. Each student will have access to the bills since they will be available on our web as soon as they are issued for students to check them out.

Examples of  collection management:

A) A 3 room apartment that has been completely occupied during two months and has had an expense of 150 Euros. Each tenant would pay 50 Euros, since they have been charged 80 Euros in advance (40 Euros each month) they would get 30 Euros back each.

B) Same case as above but considering an expense of 300 Euros. In this case each tenant would have to pay 100 Euros and having made a deposit of 80 Euros he should get 20 Euros back to regularize the expenses.

C) In this last example, two rooms have been occupied two complete months (April and May, for instance), but the third occupant came in on the 12th  of the second month, being the overall expenses 200 Euros. The first two students have lived in the flat the last 61 days and the third student only 20 days. If we sum up the total number of days the result is 142 days  (61 + 61 + 20) with a total expense of 200 €, this gives us a daily expense of 1,408 Euros/ day (200 Euros/142 days). So the first two tenants would pay € 85.92 (€ 1,408 x 61 days), if they  paid in advance 80€ they would only have to pay a € 5,92 difference. The third tenant would have to pay the amount of € 28.16 (€ 1,408 x 20 days) and he would get back € 11.84 ( the difference with the 40€ paid in advance)

Flat maintenance or incidents in the flats

Laundry and ironing, washing up, meals, rooms cleaning, shopping, trash, or any other chores typical of a hostel, pension or hotel are exclusive responsibility of the tenants. Although ROOM2RENT commits to maintain common areas clean with a 15 days frequency, this could vary depending on the period and occupancy of the flat.

Students have to ensure that the common areas of the flat are tidy up (empty sinks, pots, pans and food stored in cupboards, bathroom free of towels, tidy up living-room, no trash stored ...) when the cleaning service comes to the flat.
In the event of electrical facilities failures, students must contact ROOM2RENT, that once verified that it has not been caused by misuse of the students (being then the repair at the causing student's responsibility, or at all students’ responsibility jointly if it is not possible to identify the one who caused it), will be responsible for rectifying it as quickly as possible.

If for any reason a student has relationship problems with a flatmate he must notify ROOM2RENT to mediate between them and try to find a solution. In most cases these problems are caused by breach of contract by one of the tenants (not collaborating on common chores, failing to respect resting times, etc ...) in which case ROOM2RENT may intervene even forcing the defaulter to leave the flat.

If a student falls ill, ROOM2RENT relies on the solidarity of the other students in terms of assisting him in purchasing medicines, food or any other needs he may have. If the illness could be serious, students have the obligation to inform ROOM2RENT, and if it is urgent even call an ambulance (dialing telf. number 112).

As agreed by the parties in the tenancy contract, ROOM2RENT has the right to access the flats   at its discretion in order to check common areas’ condition, monitor maintenance services or showing around flat and rooms to potential flatmates. However, ROOM2RENT will always try to notify tenants in advance and avoid visits between 10 p.m. and eight o'clock the next day, unless force majeure.

If  any correspondence addressed to someone different from the tenants is received (owner, ROOM2RENT, previous tenants ...), students must inform ROOM2RENT and proceed to its delivery.


Zone: blasco ibañez
415 €


Zone: Benimaclet
275 €


Zone: Blasco Ibañez
475 €


Zone: Benimaclet
360 €

Are you an owner?

If you're a flat owner and wish to obtain an economic benefic with the greatest of the commodities and simplicity, do not doubt to enjoy the service we are offering. We will put our machinery to work in order to promote your flat, we will manage your rental and watch for its best condition along all the duration of the contract.

Owners information »

Quality compromise

All our flats have to achieve or exceed a “ROOM2RENT” quality level. Our flats are well communicated, located close to the universities and completely furnished and equipped. Check them out!